Our Cities

Our Cities

by | Oct 28, 2020

In Rotterdam and Valencia we will be offering home renovation services via  one stop shops, called the Citizen Hubs. The two pilot cities have a central role in Save the Homes, as they will be used for benchmarking and to develop, deploy, test and validate the Citizen Hub model integrating home renovation services in one place. Save the Homes has the following sequential phases:

Inception phase:

We start with a full mapping of the demand side (mapping of the people’s needs, elaboration of personas and elaboration of the complete home renovation customer journey in the two cities) and a mapping of the supply side (mapping the offered solutions and suppliers, suitable financers, evaluation of offered quality, definition of the integrated home renovation packages to accompany homeowners on their journey in the two pilot cities).

Development phase:

In this phase an overall architecture for the Citizen Hub model as well as a tailormade design of the business model for the two pilot cities Rotterdam and Valencia is devised including the creation of the network, structure and procedures.


  1. Customer journeys will be elaborated for the homeowners
  2. Verification of the supply side (technical suppliers, financial institutions) that are highly suitable for the Save the Homes concept (have a verified proven quality results, offer financing for green investments) will be done.
  3. Citizen Hub architecture: A structure of the Citizen Hub will be designed with clearly identified roles for the different renovation stops.
  4. For the Citizen Hub business model development, a sustainable business model will be developed and then adapted for each pilot.

Deployment phase:

In this phase the two Citizen Hubs will be realized at a local (City of Rotterdam) and regional (Municipality of Valencia) scale. This phase covers the roll-out of the whole customer journey, from organization of the marketing campaigns to the monitoring after the renovation works.

Replication and exploitation phase

In this phase the Citizen Hub concept is replicated and exploited on three levels:

The first level is a replication in two follower cities: Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Sant Cugat (Spain).

The second level is the exploitation and promotion on a regional and national level, with a pivotal role for the Save the Homes Advisory Board working groups and the pilot networks.

The third level is on an EU wide scale, empowered by the two European umbrella organizations (UIPI, ICLEI), representing the Save the Homes main target groups: homeowners/condominiums and municipalities.