Team Valencia Clima i Energia

Valencia Clima i Energia

by | Oct 28, 2020

The City of Valencia currently counts on a total of 815,440 inhabitants and is the center of a wide metropolitan area over 1,5 million inhabitants. It represents the 16% of the total population of the Valencia Region and is, demographically and economically speaking, the third biggest city in Spain, after Madrid and Barcelona. It is located in the center of the Mediterranean Corridor, with one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean region (5th port in freight transport). Valencia city council has the vision of making the city sustainable through the involvement of citizens in the decision making. To achieve this vision, several strategies have been launched in the recent years. Ambitious results in terms of urban and social innovation are expected from the following city plans. Valencia city council took part in the first group of cities signing in 2009 the Covenant of Mayors and launched its first Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in 2010 with the objective to reduce GHG emissions by 20% by 2020. This commitment is reinforced through the on-going process of elaboration of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) aiming at establishing the necessary strategies, actions and tools to achieve sustainable development of the use, consumption and energy production by 2030 to reduce its GHG emissions by 40% by 2030, in line with objectives defined by the Covenant of Mayor for Climate and Energy initiative. One of the key axes of the City energy strategy is the fight against fuel poverty and to make the right to energy for all of its inhabitants a reality. A first analysis of fuel poverty was performed through a mapping process back in 2016 (based on the estimation of 5 different indicators (10% rules, 2M, LIHC, MIS, Perception and Declaration based) and made a survey with 600 face-to-face households interview) and provided some first insights to drive the energy policy of the city.  The Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation (Officially Climate Change Observatory Foundation) is an entity promoted by the City Council of Valencia whose aim is to support and promote city’s development through driving and implementing the city climate change strategy in its different aspects. The Foundation is developing its activities around two pillars to tackle climate change, mitigation and adaptation to ensure climate justice and energy democracy for all the inhabitants of the city of Valencia. The main objectives of the foundation are to inform, train and transform the city and its inhabitants to make Valencia a climate neutral and a climate proof living area. All the projects carried out by the Foundation aim to promote sustainable urban development, climate justice and energy democracy in the interest of its citizens in order to improve their life quality. The Foundation aims to deploy climate initiatives within the city and pilot projects that test and validate innovative approaches and solutions dealing with climate change city challenges. Currently the foundation is involved in two H2020 project, leading the non-technical energy actions of the SCC Match Up project at the local level of the

Pilot of the City of Valencia (Lighthouse), and leading the Tomorrow project in the city to co-develop a 2050 participatory roadmap for the energy transition of the city learning from the best European cities. Both of these projects address issues as well related with housing and rehabilitation and will provide valuable insights for the project. In terms of infrastructure the Foundation directly manage the Climate Change Observatory, a municipal environmental educational center whose objectives include information and training as well as showing the contribution of Valencia to tackle climate change. The design of the center and its exhibition resources make up an interactive and dynamic space, which serves as a meeting point for all audiences. Supported advanced technology and (augmented reality, 3D, etc.) audiovisual systems visit becomes a fully interactive experience. And the Foundation has opened this year the first Energy Office of the city to inform and build capacity of local stakeholders in relation with the energy transition of the city of Valencia, and especially attend citizens looking for information on the refurbishment and energy efficiency in coordination with housing services through specific training, and household mentoring program.  The Foundation has experience in Local and European Projects (Tomorrow and Match Up), in coordination with the Municipality of Valencia, and establishes the appropriate links between the City Council, local civil society, private companies, Universities and technology centers, and other institutions involved in promoting energy efficiency and housing policy at the city level. 

Staff Profiles

Corentin Girard

Double degree PhD in Water and Environmental Engineering at the Technical Unviersity of Valencia (Spain) and at the Montpellier Doctorate School of Economics and Management (France).

M.Sc. in Water Resources Management, Water and Society at Cranfield University (UK).

Master of Engineering in Water and Environmental Engineering at the Water and Environmental Engineering National School of Strasbourg (France).

Technical Officer at Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation since 2016, in charge of the coordination of the local Energy Office of the city of Valencia and other european and local projects related to the ecological transition of the city. 

Carlos Sánchez

Agricultural Technical Engineer. Option Agrifood Industries by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2002. Degree in Food Engineering and Rural Environment from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2017. More than 15 years of work experience in public bodies to improve energy efficiency in public buildings. Projects, construction, refurbishment, maintenance, energy audit and control and improvement of energy bills. From 2000 to the present teaching in energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable buildings.

Alejandro Gómez

Double Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona and the Technical Institute of Lisbon, 2017. Energy Engineer Degree by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2015. Project Manager of H2020 projects in the fields of energy (TOMORROW), electric mobility (MEISTER), security (ASSISTANCE, PREIVISION) and smart cities (MatchUP). Technical leadership and support in national, public-private projects related to sustainability and smart mobility. Management and technical office in R+D platforms formed by public entities and private companies.