Team Huygen


by | Oct 19, 2020


Urmonderbaan 22 (gate 2)
Gebouw 220
6167RD Sittard-Geleen
The Netherlands

Huygen Engineers & Consultants HI&A is a spinoff of Huygen Installatie Adviseurs (HIA), specifically for working in European research projects (mainly H2020), national research projects (mainly Innovation Sector TKI) and international research projects (mainly IEA EBC). HI&A has a staff of 5 high qualified researchers and is backed up with the staff of Huygen IA, with 45 employees (SME) being one of the oldest (est. 1939), independent and leading SME consulting companies in the Netherlands. The common fields of expertise are: building services, building physics, sustainable building, ventilation, acoustics, energy, environment, indoor air quality, and fire regulations both in consulting in practice and in applied scientific research work. The staff working for HI&A is currently coordinator of the H2020 projects MORE-CONNECT Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and smart CONNECTions (EE12014 completed), PROF/TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles (EE4-2014 completed) and MOBISTYLE MOtivating end-users Behavioral change by combined ICT based modular Information on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle (EE7-2016), TripleA-reno Attractive, Acceptable and Affordable deep Renovation by a consumers orientated and performance evidence based approach (EE11-2017), DRIVE 0 Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process (EE1-2018) and U-CERT Towards a new generation of usercentred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification; facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center (EE52018).


Staff Profiles

Ana Tisov

Finished her BSc in Civil Engineering in Slovenia and graduated as a Master of Science in Architectural Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). During her studies, she worked in an architectural bureau in the field of energy consulting and as a teacher assistant at DTU where the scope of the course was on integrated design of buildings. In her thesis project, she developed new indicators and key figures which can be used for simultaneous analysis of energy and indoor environment quality for modern buildings. As a civil engineer with experience in energy optimization of buildings and generated indoor environment, she joined a research team of Huygen Installatie Adviseurs where she works on different research projects within the EU research programme “Horizon 2020”.

Peter Op ’t Veld

Is Senior Consultant at HIA. He has studied Building Technology at the Technical University of Eindhoven the Netherlands and graduated in physical aspects of the built environment. His key qualifications are consulting and applied scientific research on renewable energy, indoor air quality, ventilation, building physics, acoustics, dissemination of knowledge and building regulations. He has a part time position as visiting professor at University of Hasselt, Belgium (Building services and BuildingPhysics). Peter Op ´t Veld is an experienced  coordinator of several European projects and an initiator and lead participant in national research projects.

Carola Knubben

Marketing and Communications specialist Carola is a marketing & communications specialist with a focus on identity, content marketing and social media. She studied Arts & Culture at Maastricht University. She works on the marketing/communication strategy for Huygen as is also involved in multiple research projects. Carola was responsible for H2020 MOBISTYLE WP7 Communication and Dissemination and will be for Save the Homes and NRG2peers as for communication and dissemination activities from Huygen side in the projects: H2020 MORE-CONNECT, P2Endure, BIMplement and TripleA-reno. For national Urban Energy TKI-projects, she is responsible for the dissemination of projects: DYNKA (Dynamisch licht en binnenklimaat voor kantoren), Bewoners aan de knoppen (Gasloos renoveren met bewoners aan de knoppen), RIRA (Ruimte voor Initiatieven in duurzame warmte en koude door Retrofitten: Gebied Amstel III).

Eric Willems

Studied Applied Physics at the Technical University of Delft the Netherlands. His present position is Senior Consultant for sustainable energy and special projects. The last decade Eric has been focusing on (energy neutral) district development and integrating sustainable energy sources in the built environment. He has been a key consultant in various projects and a participant in an international research collaboration for sustainable districts and cities. His main expertise is integrated design on building physics and technical installations in (near) energy neutral projects. He has been involved as project leader in several major projects on district development as well as on real energy use and occupant behaviour.

Simona D'Oca

Project Researcher Simona D’Oca is an Italian Architect and holds a Ph.D. in Innovation Technology for the Built Environment from Politecnico di Torino. Working as Post-Doc affiliate at the Building Technology and Urban Systems Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in the USA, Simona developed expertise in data mining and statistical analysis of energy and behavioral data, meter-based feedback behavioral programs and familiarity with psychological aspects of consumer energy behavior. Simona currently focuses her interdisciplinary research on the effect of energy-related occupant behavior on building energy consumption and comfort, both through quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. H2020 TripleA-reno and H2020 U-CERT coordinator.

Loes Visser

Studied Building Physics at the Technical University of Eindhoven the Netherlands. Prior to her master she received an engineering degree from Avans University of Applied Science. She has a full-time position at Huygen Installatie Adviseurs as Project Engineer, Researcher. Her main focus is on real energy use and occupant behavior in the built environment. Previous to her position at Huygen Installatie Adviseurs she finished a course at the Environment Department of the province Mid and West Brabant, where afterwards she became an Energy Ambassador. In this position she made recommendations to home owners about the energy efficiency of their house and their energy consumption.

Ruben Veneklaas

Ruben studied Marketing Management (Commercial Economics) at the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, with a minor in politics. He gained experience as junior marketing employee and developed and later delved more into graphic design. In 2021 he started as content marketeer for Huygen.

 Ruben mainly works on:

  • Support for the marketing en communications strategy of Huygen.
  • Visual elaboration of ideas and concepts; digital, brochures, flyers, banners, infographics, illustrations
  • Coordination with tenders: drafting and rewriting texts, taking care of the layout.
  • Devise and set up a corporate identity for various projects.
  • Writing articles about projects and innovations.
  • Maintain website and social media.

Furthermore, Ruben works on H2020 projects NRG2peers, Save the Homes and Drive 0 and LIFE project BuildUPspeed