Team International Union of Property Owners

International Union of Property Owners

by | Oct 28, 2020


24 Boulevard de l’Empereur
1000 Brussels


The International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) is a pan-European non-profit association comprising 31 organisations from 28 countries. Jointly, they represent more than 5 million private property owners of some 20 to 25 million dwellings all over Europe. Founded in 1923 in Paris, UIPI is the leading organisation for individual owners and private landlords in Europe, they protect and promote their interests, needs and concerns at national, European and international level. Based in Brussels, UIPI represents its members mainly towards the EU institutions. It monitors developments at EU level and seeks to influence EU legislation and policies which have an impact on real estate, the building sector, the private-rented sector and property rights. UIPI also works to defend and support the property sector in an increasing number of international forums. The UIPI is partner of the URBAN European Parliament Intergroup and Build Up. UIPI is a member, and since June 2014 the co-chair, of the European Housing Forum. UIPI participates in several European projects to make sure that property owners’ concerns are taken into account and that their strong commitment to improve energy efficiency and sustainability in the European building stock is heard. This way, they train and raise awareness among property owners, explore innovative solutions to finance these renovations; contribute to the development of cost-effective technical solutions; and bring in their expertise and practical knowledge of the real estate sector and housing. 

Staff profiles

Emmanuelle Causse

Emmanuelle has been Director of UIPI since 2009, when she settled the UIPI Representation in Brussels. Her role is to lead the Brussels office, act as a representative toward EU institutions and prepare as well as defend the positions of the organisation on all EU topics relevant for private property owners. In February 2020, she was also elected Secretary General.

Emmanuelle started her career in EU Affairs in 2001, working for different organisations, including the European Parliament, a well-known European think tank, the Ile-de-France region representation in Brussels and a wide European umbrella association. She was also a researcher on EU policy at the Austrian Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS).

She graduated in Public Administration from the Institute of Political Sciences Toulouse (‘Sciences Po’), and has a Law Degree from the University of Toulouse, France. She also holds a Master Degree in EU Affairs from the University of Aalborg, Denmark.
A French national, she is also fluent in English and German.

Maria Francisca Figueira

Maria took up the role of Project and Outreach Officer to coordinate UIPI projects. Her tasks include the undertaking and management of EU projects, as well as the organisation of seminars and events. She also contributes to all UIPI outreach and communication activities.

Maria started her career working for communication consultancy agencies in Portugal and later worked in the real estate and tourism industries.

She was also an assistant researcher at ISCTE’s Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) on gentrification trends in Lisbon.
She graduated in Sociology from ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and holds a Master degree in Urban Geography from Utrecht University in The Netherlands.

She is currently a PhD candidate in Urban Studies at ISCTE-IUL and at the NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL), specialising in condominium management challenges and informal power structures.

A Portuguese national, Maria speaks fluently English, French, Italian and Spanish.