Team Valencian Regional Council of Property Administrators Associations

Valencian Regional Council of Property Administrators Associations

by | Oct 28, 2020

The Valencian Council of Property Administrators Associations is a non-profit organization that brings together around 2,000 professionals who work daily managing extended urban properties throughout the three provinces Alicante, Castellón and Valencia, being more than 80 % of the population in that geographical area (The total population in this area is 4,975,475 people, as of January 1, 2019, according to data provided by the National Statistics Institute INE). The Council is formed by the presidents of the two professional associations (Alicante and Valencia-Castellón), performing the functions of president and vice president plus eight members of both boards of directors to complete the Governing Board. Regarding energy efficiency, the Council of Property Administrators Associations of the Valencian Community has an indisputable implication, and a privileged perspective by direct contact with the owners of the buildings. The Council is aware of the economic, financial and social reality that advises a change of model, which enhances the preventive maintenance and conservation of the already built real estate park, based on saving and energy efficiency, in line with the requirements derived from the European directives in the field. From the Council and the professional Associations that form it, the connection and proximity to the owners of the buildings and to the final users of the rehabilitation, regeneration and urban renewal, the management of the aid, etc. is promoted. It should not be forgotten that the beneficiaries are the owners, individually considered as homeowners, to assign that role to the Communities of Owners, and the groups of Communities of Owners. And all the management of the Communities of owners, as well as the direct communication with the owners, the trading companies, the energy distributors and all the agents involved in the process are channeled through the Property Administrator that is grouped under the umbrella of being member in the Association of Alicante and the Association of Valencia and Castellón that are also grouped in the General Council of Property Administrators Association of the Valencian Community. The administrators have different profiles, with different university degrees, a large number share double membership for practicing as technicians in the field of construction (architects, surveyors, engineers from various fields), and as experts in the application of the different regulations and economic control (graduates in Law and economists). Also from the Council training and information sessions are organized and held aimed at all professionals, which serve as continuous recycling to all Property Administrators, who in turn disseminate that information to the owners in the form of advice and management of the necessary works in the processes of renovation and urban regeneration.

Staff Profiles

Sebastián Cucala Crespo

He is the President of the association of property administrators of Valencia-Castellón and VRCPA, since the elections held on 7-3-2019. Licensed in law, he is a lawyer, property administrator, mediator of CEMEI (Mediation Center) and arbitrator of the TAI (Real Estate Arbitration Court) of the Association of Property Administrators of Valencia-Castellón.

Juana Blasco Soler

She studied Economics at the University of Valencia. She has dedicated herself to the profession of property administraitor and Tax Adviser, with more than 30 years of experience. She is currently the Accountant-Censor in the association of property Administrators of Valencia-Castellón. She is the second spokesperson at VRCPA, and she also acts as spokesperson to the Valencian Institute of Building (IVE). Juana joined both interdependent bodies following the elections on 7-3-2019. She is also ??the quality?? attached to the Association of Valencia-Castellón.

Mª José Valero i Vicent

Graduated in Law at the University of Valencia. She has worked as a lawyer for almost 20 years. She has also been a property administrator and has worked with a judge, for two years, in contentious-administrative jurisdiction. She is currently the manager of the association of property administrators of Valencia and Castellón and the technical secretary of VRCPA. As a Quality Manager, she takes on her first European project with Save the homes.