Knowledge Hub

We love sharing our knowledge with you! On this page you’ll find our news updates, articles, knowledge from the project, promotional materials and more!
You can find the Final Publishable Report here.
Promotion material
- Customer Journey visual (English)
- Customer Journey visual (Slovenian)
- Renovation checklist (English)
- Renovation checklist (Dutch)
- Renovation checklist (Slovenian)
- Factsheet Rotterdam case
- Factsheet Valencia case
- Interview: Doing nothing doesn’t give you energy (English)
- Interview: Van stilzitten krijg je geen energie (Dutch)
- Interview: The appeal of cities (English)
- Interview: De aantrekkingskracht van steden (Dutch)
- Financial brochure public alternatives (Spanish)
- Financial brochure private alternatives (Spanish)
- Financial brochure (Dutch)
- Partners miniseries: a YouTube series in which our consortium partners introduce themselves.
- Joint Conference (YouTube)
- PowerPoint slides contribution of project coordinator Ana Tisov at the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum on 18th of
October 2022 - Save the Homes een geïntegreerde aanpak – By Haico van Nunen
Additional resources when setting up an One Stop Shop
- A1 The show materials (pdf)
- A2 The show materials Valencia (pdf)
- B1 Blueprints and implementation script template (docx)
- B2 Blueprint pilot and follower cities (pdf)
- C Templates (pdf)
- C1 Template step 1 (docx)
- C1 Template step 1 (pdf)
- C1V Template step 1 Valencia (pdf)
- C2 Template step 2 (docx)
- C2 Template step 2 (pdf)
- C2V Template step 2 Valencia (pdf)
- C3 Template step 3 (docx)
- C3 Template step 3 (pdf)
- C3V Template step 3 Valencia (pdf)
- C4 Template step 4 (docx)
- C4 Template step 4 (pdf)
- C4V Template step 4 Valencia (pdf)
- C5 Template step 5 (docx)
- C5 Template step 5 (pdf)
- C5V Template step 5 Valencia (pdf)
- CV Templates Valencia (pdf)
- (D2.1) Demand & supply side mapping: Methodology & results from the 2 pilots
- (D2.2) Guideline for long-term citizen engagement
- (D2.3) Citizen Hub protocol for supply side community building and network creation
- (D2.4) Mapped suitable protocols and methods for quality control of the renovation works (including skills definition) and for buildings performance monitoring
- (D2.5) Suitable renovation packages and supporting services for the two pilots
- (D3.1) Home renovation customer journey methodology and elaboration for the two pilots
- (D3.2) Strategy and structure to implement the Citizen Hub concept for the two pilots
- (D3.3) Citizen Hub business model for the two pilots cities
- (D3.4) Mapped Suitable Financing Initiatives
- (D3.5) Financial brochures Valencia and Rotterdam
- (D3.6) Staff training programme for the two pilots
- (D3.7) Definition of the Local Citizen HUB Platform functionalities for the two pilots and its integration within existing platforms
- (D3.8) Monitoring Data Plan for the two pilots
- (D3.9) Ethics manual for the two pilots
- (D4.1) Documented engagement and recruitment campaigns for the two pilots
- (D4.2) Citizen Hub Model Agreement
- (D4.3) Overall Citizen Hub model implementation guide
- (D4.4) Report on the financing advice services outlining the services, KPIs and
modifications throughout the project - (D4.5) Action plan, risk assessment and quality assurance of the renovation activities
- (D4.6) Documented quality and achieved targets of the renovation activities
- (D4.7) Evaluation of the monitored data and the extracted information
- (D4.8) Evaluation of the Citizen Hub holistic renovation services and the customer journeys
- (D4.9) Common protocol to evaluatie transferability of Citizen Hub concept
- (D4.10) Results’ integration into the web-based information systems
- (D5.1) Replication guideline based on the lessons learnt from the follower cities
- (D5.2) Save the Homes Exploitation and Replication Plan
- (D5.3) Follw-up replication and EU wide exploitation
- (D5.4) Exploitation campaigns rolled-out through the EU umbrella member organizations and municipalities
- (D5.5) Report on trainings carried out
- (D5.6) Note with Policy recommendations
- (D6.1) Save the Homes identity
- (D6.2) Save the Homes communication and dissemination plan
- (D6.3) Save the Homes project website and newsletters
- (D6.4) Marketing and promotion plan for the Sav€ the Homes engagement campaigns at the pilots
- (D6.5) Marketing and promotion material for Rotterdam and Valenica
- (D6.6) Dissemination campaign for ‘Sav€ the Homes on the Move’
- (D6.7) Final report on dissemination and communication activities

This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 framework programme for research and innovation under grant agreement no 892749. The sole responsibility for the content lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible to any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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